Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Growing up

So I mentioned in my last post that Gray has upgraded to his new car seat (at least with Ms. Bridget) but moma was worried about "what would I do with him when getting groceries?!?!" Well I got this picture text this week & I guess jsut b/c the little guy can't sit up by himself, doesn't  mean he can sit up assisted!! Looks to me like he loves his new grocery store seat!! What do you think?!?! And fortunately, I have this super seat cover a wonderful sister-in-law gave me as a shower gift...super b/c I'm sure he will be trying to chew on the handle...gross...germs!!


You will probably hear (read) me mention Adian often in my posts b/c he is our neighbor and goes to daycare with Gray. Here are a few pictures from Bridget of the two of them yesterday!! Notice Gray is in his new big kid car seat & no longer the infant one!

Apparently Gray gets histerical over bubbles! If you look closely, there is one dropping in the middle of the picture. And he gets really excited when they pop on him!!

Truck Envy

So I'm way behind on updates & I could totally blame my stupid old computer b/c I cannot figure out how to get the cutest videos loaded & got mad & quit!! So it's time to make up for it! Here are a few new ones I'm calling "truck envy!" This is the neighbor boy, Adian's truck. Gray is not sitting up quite yet but he sure looks like he can in these adorable pics! We may just have one in our drive way someday!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lake Eola

Loving the swing. Day at the park w/ Ms. Bridget, Adian, & Ameila!! We will have to hang one at home!!!(

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rolling...caught on tape

I woke up this morning to a great sight!! He did it once last night but he has now realized what he can do & does it over & over again so moma was able to get it on tape to share with everyone!! Sorry for the bad lighting...I didn't know I could turn the flash on the iPhone until after the fact. But it's better than nothing!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Rolling over

As were just about to sit down for dinner last night we hear ear piericing screams coming from Grayson on the floor. We looked over to find he had rolled over onto his belly and his arm was stuck and he was not happy. We looked at each other in shock - we missed his first roll. I got out cameras & video but, as usual, he never did it again. But soon enough...